Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 5 Map Design

This map layout was created in Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to show where the counties were in relation to the state as a whole. In order to do this a used a call out from the highlighted areas on the state map.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

WEEK 4-Typography

This weeks map focused on typography and layout in Adobe Illustrator. I actually found this to be very easy, since I was a graphic designer for 10 years prior to switching to GIS last year. The only problem I had was Google maps and NatGeo Maps had several locations in different places.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 3 Mexico

The first map of Mexico depicts the States and their population.
The second map is of Central Mexico, showing its urban areas, railroads, federal highways, and rivers. This portion actually caused me some troubles. Not with the map, but with the legend. I'm still not sure why the legend style changed, but I had to go in to the styles and play around to get them to dispay properly.

The third and final map shows the elevations in Central Mexico.

Week 3-Data Classification

Two maps are referenced for week three, first is a map comparing four data classification methods (Equal Interval, Standard Deviation, Quantile, and Natural Break),

Second is of the Quantile Data Classification.
The Quantile Data Classification map shows the widest distribution of the population densities of African Americans throughout Escambia County. The other maps focused more of the population density in only Pensacola, versus showing other areas of concentration within the region.